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Valentine's Day 2023

Valentine's Day is one of the most celebrated days of the year. It is a time when couples come together to celebrate love, affection, and relationships.

The Challenge

Our challenge was to create an engaging and unique TikTok effect that would capture the attention of users on Valentine's Day. We wanted to create an experience that was not only visually appealing but also interactive and surprising. We decided to create a 3D animation effect within a randomiser.

The Solution

Our team started by brainstorming ideas and sketching out concepts. We then created 3D models of the heart and the surprise element. The TikTok effect starts by showing the user's face. The hearts balloon with the randomiser options makes its reveal. The surprise element differs for each user, making the experience personalized and unique.


We launched the TikTok effect a few days before Valentine's Day, and it quickly gained traction. Users were sharing their videos on TikTok, and the effect went viral. The surprise element created a sense of anticipation and excitement, which led to more engagement and shares.Results The TikTok effect was a huge success. We received 7,469,607 and 72K videos. The engagement rate was high, with users spending an average of 30 seconds interacting with the effect. The surprise element created a sense of anticipation and excitement, which led to more engagement and shares.


7 Million Video Views

73K Videos


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