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Transporting Users to Ancient Egypt: A TikTok Case Study on Creating a 360 Immersive AR Effect

Our challenge was to create a unique and engaging AR experience that would capture the attention of users.

The Challenge 

We wanted to create an effect that would be not only visually stunning but also educational and informative. We decided to create an immersive 360 experience that would transport users to ancient Egypt and teach them about its history and culture.

The Solution

Our team started by researching ancient Egypt's history and culture and gathering reference material for the effect. We then created a 360 model of an immersive sphere that could be imported into Effect House.The effect starts by prompting users to lift up their phones to the sky.


The 360 immersive AR effect was a huge success. We received 78 million video views organically and 400k posts, and the effect was shared widely on social media, with users excitedly sharing their experience and recommending it to their friends.

To try the effect, visit


78 Million Video Views

400K Videos

15 Million Likes

Project Gallery

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